Tag: 2017 Presidential election

Fillon II: Last Chance at Trocadéro

Fillon II: Last Chance at Trocadéro

 Just before the European elections in May 2019, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe suggested that Les Républicains were engaged in “reconstructing the Trocadéro Right” behind François Xavier Bellamy, the socially conservative head of their list. Deputy Eric Ciotti of the LRs fired back, saying that Philippe’s 

François and Penelope

François and Penelope

François Fillon was born in 1954, in Le Mans, France. Penelope Clarke was born in 1955, in Llanover, UK. Baby Boomers. She came of age during the Second Wave of the Women’s Movement–Women’s Lib–which meant that the choices she would make were more or less