Thoughts Upon Rereading George Orwell’s 1984

Thoughts Upon Rereading George Orwell’s 1984

Jan Masaryk served as the foreign minister of Czechoslovakia, mostly in exile, from July 1940 on–after Munich and the Nazi Occupation, during World War II, and then through the Liberation as part of a Communist-dominated new government.  His term was ended by his sudden death 



Jérôme Cahuzac was the first Minister of the Budget in the Hollande administration.  He was brilliant, able to explain and defend austerity measures (never to be referred to as austerity, rather they were always a matter of croissance, “growth”), and his command of the numbers 

Malik Oussekine, 1986 . . . Adama Traoré, 2016 . . . George Floyd, 2020

Malik Oussekine, 1986 . . . Adama Traoré, 2016 . . . George Floyd, 2020

Rue Monsieur-le-Prince, from There have been world-wide protests about the death of George Floyd, but in France these protests also have a local connection.  In 1986 Malik Oussekine, a 22-year-old student, was beaten to death by police.  Thirty years later, in 2016, Adama Traoré, 

#MeToo Comes For Valéry Giscard d’Estaing

#MeToo Comes For Valéry Giscard d’Estaing

 French prosecutors announced on Monday, May 11, 2020, that they have opened an investigation into former President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing on the charge of sexual assault (agression sexuelle), an action that had allegedly occurred on December 18, 2018.  The complainant is reporter Ann-Kathrin Stracke of 

Mountain of Gold

Mountain of Gold

Trick question: With what country does France share its longest land border? Answer: Brazil; 800 kilometers. French Guiana (Guyane française) is one of the remnants of France’s first colonial empire (those territories acquired before the French Revolution), and it chose to remain with France after 

The DSK Affair

The DSK Affair

On May 14, 2011, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (known as DSK), powerful head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was taken into custody at JFK just before his return to Paris. An experienced and popular leader of the Socialist Party in France, he had been about to 

Young Macron: Minister of Economy, Industry, and Digital Affairs

Young Macron: Minister of Economy, Industry, and Digital Affairs

Emmanuel Macron was not entirely to blame for the Socialist Party’s collapse in the 2017 elections. Indeed, one could argue that the Socialist Party had been digging a hole for itself since the end of François Mitterand’s term in 1995. Further, the Socialist Party had 

All-Inclusive: Club Med and Billy Butlin’s Holiday Camps

All-Inclusive: Club Med and Billy Butlin’s Holiday Camps

Everyone who watches The Office knows that Sandals in Jamaica is “all-inclusive.” Michael Scott bought a holiday couples vacation package, and the rest was history. But Sandals didn’t invent the concept. Before Sandals there was Club Med. And before that, there was Billy Butlin. Billy 

“With all of that being said, we like the Kurds.”

“With all of that being said, we like the Kurds.”

(Image of Calais Jungle in France, from ================================================= William Shakespeare, from Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 1: “Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war. . . .” And then, as Donald Trump would say, “We’ll see what happens!” Shortly after the invasion 

Populism v. Democracy

Populism v. Democracy

France in the 1950s. A postwar boom. The nation pulled into the modern world under the auspices of dirigisme (directed economic investment, encouragement of mergers in key sectors), a middle way between laissez-faire and communist central planning. Pressure against the small family business, the Mom