Ukraine and the Left: Olivier Besancenot

Ukraine and the Left: Olivier Besancenot

The 2002 presidential election in France saw the first appearance of Olivier Besancenot, a 27-year-old mailman and a member of the Ligue communiste révolutionnaire (Revolutionary Communist League), the French section of the Fourth International.  The party described itself as Trotskyist.  The LCR party meeting in 

#Stop64ans: March 7, 2023

#Stop64ans: March 7, 2023

The current pension system was changed in 2010 under President Nicolas Sarkozy, and the change was not without protests. Currently, the age of retirement with a full pension is 62 (raised from 60, the age established by the Mitterrand administration); the required number of years 

Woman in Politics . . . Part 2: at the Cirque d’hiver

Woman in Politics . . . Part 2: at the Cirque d’hiver

On April 3, 2022,  Anne Hidalgo held her last major campaign rally at the Cirque d’Hiver in Paris. The first-round election was seven days away.   A number of Socialist Party heavyweights were present, including her campaign manager, Johanna Rolland, mayor of Nantes; David Assouline, 

Ukraine, One Year Out: Two Voices

Ukraine, One Year Out: Two Voices

The first voice is that of Emmanuel Macron, recently re-elected President of France. The second is that of Clémentine Autain, Deputy of the radical Left party La France Insoumise for Seine-Saint-Denis since 2017, member of the commission of Foreign Affairs in the National Assembly. Macron: 

Woman in Politics . . .

Woman in Politics . . .

The Socialist Party (PS) faced a dilemma at the approach of the presidential elections of 2022.  Benoît Hamon, the most recent candidate, had left the party in 2017 after getting only 6% of the vote in the first round.   Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of the 

La Bérézina

La Bérézina

Review of: Marylou Magal, La BéréZina: Éric Zemmour, Autopsie d’une déroute électorale. Paris: Éditions du Rocher, 2022. The reference to someone’s defeat as their “Waterloo” is, in France. superseded by the term “Bérézina.” It refers to the horrific battle in late November, 1812, during Napoleon’s 

Yalta, 2019

Yalta, 2019

Andréa Kotarac, born in 1989, grew up in Haute Savoie in southern France, an area bordering both Switzerland and Italy.  His father was Serbian and his mother was Iranian.  He studied law and had been an activist for most of his adult life, starting in 

Retirement, Again

Retirement, Again

Emmanuel Macron, as everyone knows by now, is determined to pass a retirement bill.  During his first term, the Gilets jaunes movement delayed it for about a year, from late 2018 to late 2019; and when he returned to the issue (accompanied by the usual 

February 24, 2022

February 24, 2022

Jacques Sapir is an economist who specializes in Europe, the European Union, and especially in post-USSR Russia. Since the 1990s, he has served as an interpreter of the dramatic changes that have occurred since the collapse of the Soviet Union; he has also been a 

How Many Parties on the Right?  The Leadership Contest in Les Républicains

How Many Parties on the Right? The Leadership Contest in Les Républicains

Les Républicains, formerly one of the two dominant parties in France (the other was the rapidly shrinking Socialist party) was pulled together in 2002 from various strands of the Gaullist, sovereignist, neoliberal, and traditionally conservative and Catholic right.  At first designated as UMP (Union for a